Our huts and shelters

Vršič, Trena and Golica – three areas that are strongly marked by the economic work of the Jesenice mountaineers. Here, under the protection of mighty mountain peaks and blooming hayfields, there are mountain huts managed by the people of Jesenice. There are many reasons why they are here. Most of them are of historical importance, but they serve their purpose with advantage – to offer the visitor of the mountains pleasant moments and sometimes a safe haven.

Erjavčeva’s hut at Vršič

telephone: +386 51 399 226
mail: erjavcevakoca@gmail.com

Golica hut

telephone: +386 41 735 911
mail: kocagolica@gmail.com

Tičarjev’s home at Vršič

telephone: +386 70 709 093
mail: ticarjevdom@gmail.com

Soča river spring hut

telephone: +386 41 603 190
mail: kocasoca@gmail.com

Shelter below Špičkom

telephone: +386 40 214 473
mail: podspickom@gmail.com